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How to Survive With No Air Conditioning

Feb 8, 2023

In the U.S., especially in warmer areas, we rely on air conditioning to keep us comfy and cool.  Noone wants to think about what it’s like to suffer with no AC.  How can we survive when the AC fails us?  Here’s how to survive without air conditioning until you can get help.

Tricks to Keep Cool

When the air conditioning breaks, call a professional right away to schedule a repair.  Companies are busiest during the hot summer and you don’t want to wait too long.  In the meantime, here are ways to stay cool until the repair crew comes.

Keep the Heat Out

If it’s cooler inside your home than outside, close any open windows and doors. You don’t want hot air flowing into your house. Shut the blinds too to keep the sunlight out.

Use Fans

Fans won’t make the air cooler, but they will provide a breeze.  Fans break up the stagnant air that surrounds our bodies. This makes it easier for the air to evaporate our sweat.   Spend as much time in front of the fan as possible.

Ice, Ice Baby

Buy a big bag of ice or take a bunch of cubes out of your freezer.  Place the ice in front of a fan. The air will blow through it and make the room cooler.  You can also lower your body temperature with an ice pack. Put it on your  body’s pulse points, such as the neck, wrist and backs of your knees.

Use Light Fabrics

Put breathable fabrics on your bed to stay cool at night.  Store away the heavy blankets or sheets and replace them with lightweight cotton or silk.  These materials will allow more of your body heat to escape while you sleep.  Cooling pillows and sheets are a good idea. They help regulate body temperature to keep you cool at night.

Hydrate and Cool Down

Increase your fluid intake.  Your body releases lots of water through sweat.  If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water or other fluids each day. Stay away from alcohol and sugary drinks, which can dehydrate you.

Let your body cool off in a cold bath or shower.  For even more relief, nix the towel and let your body dry off naturally afterward. If you don’t have time for a full bath, splash some water on your face and body.

Stay in Shade or AC

Get out of the sun and into the shade to cool down.  Look for a patio umbrella or big leafy tree if you’re outdoors.  When inside, block the light coming in through windows and doors. Head to the basement if you have one.. It’s the coolest place in the house.  If possible, spend time in air conditioned spaces, such as your car, the public library, restaurant or shopping mall.

Fix a Broken AC

It’s dangerous to stay in extreme heat for too long.  Exposure can lead to dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Call a professional to repair or replace your broken AC.  You don’t want to live without it.

AC Out? We can Help!

Make sure your home stays cool and comfy. Will Air is a high-quality, residential and light commercial, heating and cooling company in Central Maryland.  We specialize in HVAC systems, duct cleaning, and preventive planned maintenance.  Call us today at 410-549-9300 or go to our website to request a free estimate.


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5389 Enterprise Street, Suite F, Sykesville, MD 21784


Licensed & Insured: MD HVAC 3303 | WSSC FG7 | MD Gas Fitter License Number 92788

M-F: 7am-4pm